Friday, January 21, 2011


There is a show on TLC which I love (I only just discovered today that TLC was actually called "Travel Channel", to me it had always been TLC... hey, what's the L for? Is it the L in "Travel"? Weird).

Anyway, this show that I love is called... MAN V. FOOD!!! Check out the website here:

If you are unfamiliar with the premise of the show, it's pretty basic: some guy travels around the US and participates in eating challenges, you know those ones that restaurants have, where, if you win, you get your photo on the Wall of Fame. The challenges might be volume challenges (e.g. eat 4kg of pancakes) or heat challenges (e.g. eating ghost chillies and other incredibly spicy things).

Anyway now I've decided that I want to have my own show, which pretty much follows this exact same premise, except I'm a girl, and I'll probably confine my travels to Australia. The show will (unimaginatively) be called... GIRL V. FOOD!!!

I've already begun some basic training for my new show, which I am not going to pitch to TV stations until I have everything down pat. For my volume challenge training, I ate a whole 4kg watermelon, but could only really finish half of it, so I re-scaled the challenge down to eating a whole half-watermelon. You see, with volume challenges you might think that it's, well, the volume of food that will getcha. You'd be wrong! What I couldn't stand when I did my challenge was the fact that every single mouthful tasted exactly the same and there was no variety at all! After eating about a quarter of the watermelon I felt like I was going into sugar shock from all the sweetness, so I had to cut it with some salty popcorn.

Anyway, my next volume challenge training session will involve me eating a whole butternut pumpkin... I'll update my blog when I've accomplished this!

For my heat challenge training, I ate a whole birds eye chilli (chopped up and with other foods), and a whole larger chilli (that isn't so hot) just by itself! Just bit into it like it was an apple! My goal is to work my way up, chilli by chilli, until one day I can eat like 10 birds eye chillies in one meal, THEN will I pitch my show.

A lot of people who have noticed that, as part of my training, I'm trying to eat a chilli with like every single meal, have said "but how can you enjoy the food when your mouth is totally burning?" My answer is... "It's not about enjoying the food! It's about beating the challenge and proving that I'm a man!! (Because it's the 21st century, come on, girls can assert their masculinity these days too!)"

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