Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bedtime Story #2

Once upon a time there lived a half-man, half bull. Some people called him a Minotaur, other's just called him by his name, which was Larry.

Larry was madly in love with his wife, who was a fairy. But fairies do not have very long life spans. In fact, they live for about as long as a common housefly. Larry was mad with grief when his fairy wife passed away.

Just before his fairy wife left this earth, she made him promise to never remarry. To enforce this, she made him live in the middle of a maze, so no other fairy could find their way to him, and he, in turn, would never be tempted.

As Larry set out for work one Tuesday morning, he stumbled across the lair of a very beautiful, young fairy. The young fairy was very clearly interested in Larry, and suggested that Larry come into her nest "for a harmless drink".

Larry, remembering the promise he made to his wife before she died, told the fairy that he was running late for his train, and made a hasty escape. But not before telling her that he might drop in for a visit on his way home, later in the day.

Throughout the day, Larry could not stop thinking about the beautiful young fairy he had met that morning. He could not concentrate on his work. He was called out several times by co-workers and his boss, but as he was one of the better employees, nobody made too big a fuss.

When Larry was walking home, he went to the lair of the young fairy. The door was open, so he invited himself in. However, a shocking sight met his eyes. The young fairy, in bed, with another half-man, half-bull creature. She had decided not to wait for him (which, given her short life-span, is fairly understandable).

Larry walked back to his maze-home, despondent. He was, in fact, so distressed, that he completely forgot which path would lead him to his chamber in the middle of the labyrinth. He made several wrong turns, before stumbling upon an elf, who was also lost in the hallways.

Larry and the elf sat down and started chatting. Larry quite liked this elf fellow, but had missed dinner that night, as he had been in no mood to eat. He was quite hungry, and after considering his options, decided to eat his newfound elf friend.

After this meal, he remembered the way back to his chambers. He settled into bed, with a novel he was halfway through reading. After reading a few more chapters of riveting prose, he turned off the bedside lamp, and went to sleep for the night.

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